I’m currently taking on a limited number of consulting clients in the specific capacities outlined below.

One Hour Consultation – $500

We’ll meet for a one hour discussion on any topic you want.

I’ll also spend an additional 30 minutes preparing for our discussion by reviewing anything you send me in advance, and another additional 30 minutes summarizing our conversation and compiling any resources we discussed.


If one of these packages sounds like what you need, send me an email so we can discuss. Email my first name at reallygoodbusinessideas.com.

Business Opportunity Analysis – $1,000

I’ll do an opportunity analysis for a business idea you’re exploring so you can figure out if it’s worth your time or not. You’ll also be able to use this analysis as the foundation for your initial growth strategy.

Online Growth Audit (Up to $1M Online Annual Revenue) – $5,000

I’ll do an audit of your company’s growth engine and identify areas for improvement and new avenues of growth. You can ask me to focus on something specific, like why search engine traffic declined or what your competitors are doing, or I can take a broad look at everything. I’ll need access to you internal data for best results.

Online Growth Audit (Up to $10M Online Annual Revenue) – $25,000

I’ll do an audit of your company’s growth engine and identify areas for improvement and new avenues of growth. You can ask me to focus on something specific, like why search engine traffic declined or what your competitors are doing, or I can take a broad look at everything. I’ll need access to you internal data for best results. Due to the size of your company (congrats!) the audit will take longer to complete and will naturally have a lot more detail.

If one of these packages sounds like what you need, shoot me an email so we can discuss.